Sourcing - Credits and sources
Big pictures should have also a text inside their frame
- Main page - Beautiful things: Picture from Tony Guyton. @Flickr 2014-12-13 License:CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
- Main page - Strange things: Louis Figuier: Les Mystères de la science, 1887
- Main page - Things worth reading: Picture from condesign, @Pixabay, License: Public Domain, 2014-11-07
- Main page - Calculating things: Gregor Reisch Margarita Philosophica 1503
- Main page - Sourcing: Wikimedia Commons, author Rhanyeia, License: Public Domain, 2007-10-03
- Main page - Misfits: rosipaw, flickr, License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, 2010-05-26
- Beautiful things - Enchanted places: Wikimedia Commons, Picture of FelixH, License: GNU FDL V1.2, 2006-04-28
- Beautiful things - Light show: Picture of PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay, License: Public Domain, 2010-07-06
- Atom feed icon - Wikimedia Commons by Anomie, License: MPL 2011-10-03
- Brock Script by Dieter Steffmann, Freeware, 2003
- TeX Century Schoolbook by GUST (Polish TeX Group),LaTeX Project Public License,2006
- Color gradient for navigation bar: Behongo from
- Worldmap in Winkel III projection: Wikimedia Commons, Picture of Mdf, Public Domain,2006-10-30
- Beautiful things > Enchanted places: Flat Tabbed Menu provided as free source code by